Bila lama dah tak meroti mula la rindu dgn bau roti yg baru masak. Yg paling best dpt mkn roti panas2..sangat la nikmat nya. Yg ni bkn Hokkaido bread ya..rupa mungkin sama, tp rasanya lain. Resipi ni sy ambil dr buku Magic Bread, Alex Goh. Semua roti dlm buku ni menggunakan 'gelatinized dough'. Dlm kepala sy ni kalau ada perkataan gelatin tu mesti la lembut2 kenyal kan.
Cuma kaedah ini makan masa yg agak lama nak dibuat, sebabnya 'gelatinized dough' tu perlu disimpan dulu paling kurang 12jam. Lps tu barulah boleh digunakan..pd pendapat sy, dough tersebut la yg membuatkan roti tersebut lebih kenyal & lembut, tp tak tahu la samada berul ke tidak teori sy ni..huhuhu. Sy sengaja buat roti ni dlm pullman tin supaya bentuknya jd segiempat sama. Kalau nk buat dlm loaf pan biasa pun boleh juga.
Yg paling sy suka, roti ni kekal lembut walaupun telah masuk hari kedua. Pd hari ketiga dah tak berapa nak lembut kecuali kalau di kukus. Sy suka kukus roti yg sudah agak keras sebab nanti dia akan jd sama seperti baru di masak. Rasa dia pula, 95% hampir sama dgn roti gardenia. Haaa, menarik kan..lps ni tak perlu la beli roti lg. Roti ini juga sihat kerana tidak mengandungi bahan kimia..makanlah tanpa rasa risau ye..hehee
Sandwich Bread
By: Alex Goh
150g bread flour
105g boiling water
450g bread flour
20g milk powder
45g sugar
10g salt
9g instant yeast
285g cold water
120g overnight sponge dough (refer below)
60g butter
Overnight Sponge Dough
100g bread flour
60g water (room temperature)
1/4 tsp instant yeast
*mix water and yeast untill well-blanded. Add in flour and mix to form dough. Let it proof for 30minutes. Wrap it up and refrigerate for overnight,
1. Add the boiling water from A into flour, mix until well-blended to form dough. Cover & set aside to cool. Keep it into refrigerator for at least 12 hours.
2. Mix B until well-blended. Add in C and knead to form rough dough. Add in A & knead until well-blended.
3. Add in D & knead to form elastic dough. Let it proof for 60 minutes.
4. Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces & mould it round. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
5. Flatten the dough & roll it up like swiss roll. Let rest for 10 minutes. Repeat this process 1 more time & place 3 pieces of dough into a greased sandwich loaf tin (size: 20 x 11 x 11 cm).
6. Let it proof for 50-60 minutes or until 80% full. Cover with lid.
7. Bake at 220'C for 35 minutes. Remove from tin immediately when it is baked.
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